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about vanessa

Meet The Yorkshire Dietitian

Vanessa is a qualified Dietitian. Born and brought up in Yorkshire, England, she studied at The University of Surrey where she gained her BSc (Hons) in Nutrition and Dietetics.

She is a member of the British Dietetic Association; Dietitians are the only nutrition professionals to be statutorily regulated, and have an ethical code that ensures the highest work standards. She can translate the science behind the research to give practical information to enable people to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices.

Vanessa is an experienced dietitian & nutritionist with 12 years’ experience

Vanessa has set up two NHS weight management services, ‘Weight Wise Barnsley’ and ‘Reshape Rotherham’. Both educate and support people in their weight loss. She works for the Rotherham Institute of Obesity and manages a caseload of patients with complex needs, seeing both adults and children with weight management issues.

She has also worked in Public Relations, delivers nutrition training and sees private patients.

Vanessa has appeared on television for the BBC and has been a spokesperson for BBC radio on many occasions.